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Title: Die Bezugsnormen wertender Satzadverbien in Texten gesprochener Sprache
Other Titles: Norms of reference of qualifying sentential adferbials in the spoken language texts
Authors: Schatte, Christoph
Keywords: adverbs; adyerbs
Issue Date: 1995
Citation: "Glottodidactica" Vol. 23 (1995), s. 71-82
Abstract: The article presents the division of sentential adverbs depending on their connection with: 1) logical value of sentence, 2) scope of sentence value, 3) relevance of content, 4) division of text and 5) evaluating statements, and then argues with paraphrasing as the method of explaining meaning and function. The author proposes using different connections of sentential adyerbs as the criterion of the choice of means of explanation. This classification allows to precisely define the yarious norms of reference of ąualifying sentential adyerbs.
ISSN: 0072-4769
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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