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Title: Percepcja zmian w języku polskim u uczniów dwujęzycznych w Anglii (na przykładzie słownictwa młodzieżowego)
Other Titles: Perception of changes in the Polish language in bilingual students in England (using the example of youth vocabulary)
Authors: Kuros-Kowalska, Kamila
Keywords: youth vocabulary; Polish language; bilingual student
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: "Postscriptum Polonistyczne" Nr 2 (2020), s. 105-117
Abstract: The paper presents the results of research making it possible to reflect for instance on whether staying in a multicultural environment makes one break bonds with the living Polish language. The tool used to seek an answer to this question was a survey checking the understanding of the most popular youth words of the recent years. The youth word of the year, chosen every year, makes it possible to discover the features of the Polish language used by the young generation. The competition makes it possible to explore and follow the linguistic fashion. Words classified as youth words are not necessarily new or slang ones, but they are used much more often by the analysed group. The survey covered more than 200 students attending Polish community schools in the UK. The results were compared to those related to a group of young people from Poland.
DOI: 10.31261/PS_P.2020.26.08
ISSN: 2353-9844
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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