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Title: Sytuacja transportu kolejowego w Polsce na przełomie ostatnich lat - część 1
Other Titles: Condition of rail transport in Poland in recent years - part 1
Authors: Barcik, Jacek
Czech, Piotr
Keywords: rail transport; cargo
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: "Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport", Vol. 67, 2010, s. 5- 12
Abstract: The problem of functioning of transport plays an important role in international and national market exchange and its development. It is clearly visible, that transport and market exchange are strictly connected with one another and the development and further evolvement in one of those is subjected to the development of the other. The possibility of sending goods on long distances has played the key role in the development of the economy of many countries for many years. Many different means of transport are used to transport loads, but the most popular and the cheapest means of massive load transport is the rail transport, which exceeds the transport possibilities of other transport branches on longdistances and offers transport at a high speed. This article presents the analysis of condition in which the rail transport has been in recent years.
ISSN: 0209-3324
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WPiA)

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