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Tytuł: Polskie leksemy o rdzeniu ‑próżn‑
Autor: Krótki, Zuzanna
Słowa kluczowe: leksykologia; słowotwórstwo
Data wydania: 2014
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Źródło: B. Mitrenga (red.), “Zmienność - stałość - różnorodność w dawnej i współczesnej polszczyźnie” (s. 55-76). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Nr Serii/Raportu: Linguarum Silva;3
Abstrakt: The article presents the prożn‑stem lexical family. The research materialcounting fifty‑seven word forms, derived from all the available lexicographicsources recording historical vocabulary, is illustrated in a form of a word‑formative root and exemplary graphs patterned after Šaumjan and Soboleva’sdiagrams. The aim of the analyses was to show the internal structure of the motivatingrelations between the centre of the root prożny, and the group of wordsat different stages of their derivation. By means of a (re)construction of the rootdiagram (analogical to the structures used by Šaumjan and Soboleva) the semanticrelations between the particular derivatives have been shown. It has turnedout that many elements from the studied group were of polysemic character,whereas their contents differed significantly from the primary sense that thecentre of the root prożny implied.The conducted analyses were used by the author to indicate the basic metaphoricalanalogies which contributed to the generation of new, figurative contentsof the particular lexical units and made it possible to present and discusschanges observed in their meanings.
ISSN: 2300-0023
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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