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Title: Swoiste źródła prawa rynku kapitałowego
Authors: Lichosik, Anna
Keywords: rynek kapitałowy; regulacje prawne
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: B. Dolnicki (red.), “ Swoiste źródła prawa” (s. 87-97). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to introduce the issue of the nature of sources of the law ofthe capital market. The legal nature of these standards is diverse and comprises both universallybinding sources of law referred to in Art. 87 of the Constitution, as well as contractual arrangementsthat do not have such a character. These regulations within the framework of the capital market takethe form of regulations issued by subjects which organize trading. These regulations significantlyshape both rules of trading and legal relations occurring in the capital market. Nevertheless, due tothe fact that these rules are contractual regulations, there is a problem with the legal classificationof these types of documents, hence they are referred to as specific sources of the law of the capitalmarket, or in a wider sense — public economic law.
ISBN: 9788380124646
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WPiA)

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