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Tytuł: Manifesty cyborgów : awangardowa wizja fuzji kobiety z ma-szyną (Hannah Höch - Giannina Censi - Mina Harker)
Autor: Marcela, Mikołaj
Słowa kluczowe: cyborg; feminism; woman; Dada; Futurism
Data wydania: 2019
Wydawca: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Źródło: A. Kałuża, M. Baron-Milian, K. Szopa (red.), "Płeć awangardy" (S. 117-131). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
Abstrakt: In A Cyborg Manifesto Donna Haraway writes that “cyborgs populating feminist science fiction make very problematic the statuses of man or woman, human, artefact, member of a race, individual entity, or body.” I would like to return to the very beginning of thinking about this figure (even before the term was born) and take a close look at first cyborg images created by both Futurist (Giannina Censi) and Dada (Hannah Höch) female artists. I also examine Mina Harker from Bram Stoker’s Dracula as one of the first protocyborg figures in Western literature. I am interested in to what extent avant-garde female artists anticipated the new form of subjectivity and how their works problematised the human–nature and human–technology relation, and thinking in categories of gender.
ISBN: 978-83-226-3811-8
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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