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Title: Młode pokolenie w kulturze imagologicznej : wyzwania i zagrożenia rozwojowe
Other Titles: The young generation in the imagological culture – developmental challenges and threats
Authors: Wysocka, Ewa
Keywords: kultura imagologiczna; kultura obrazu; kultura słowa; młode pokolenie; świat życia młodzieży; zagrożenia i wyzwania rozwojowe; nowe media; imagological culture; image culture; word culture; young generation; the world of youth; developmental challenges and threats; new media
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: "Dydaktyka Informatyki" (2019), z. 14, s. 11-29
Abstract: In this article, the author presents the basic problems experienced by young people in the imaglogical culture. She indicates the main trends in the development of the young generation determined by the influence of new communication and information technologies (ICT). She indicates the main sources and mechanisms resulting from the impact of image culture and its consequences for the new generation’s development. This article is an attempt to analyze the lifeworld of the young generation in conditions created by new media.
DOI: 10.15584/di.2019.14.2
ISSN: 2543-9847
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNS)

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