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Tytuł: Przyczynowość jako zjawisko językowe w dwóch językach słowiańskich - rosyjskim i polskim
Tytuł równoległy: Causality as a language phenomenon in two Slavic languages: Russian and Polish
Pričinnost' kak âzykoboe âvlenie v dvuh slavânskih âzykah - russkom i pol'skom
Autor: Krawuczka, Aleksandra
Słowa kluczowe: category of causality; cause; effect; Polish language; Russian language
Data wydania: 2019
Wydawca: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Źródło: A. Banaszek-Szapowałowa (red.), "Słowiański krąg : słowo - myśl - obraz w tradycji i współczesności" (S. 141-153). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstrakt: The major objective of this article is to present causality, which is one of the basic problems in philosophy, physics, mechanics, as well as in psychology and logic. He expression of the relation of causality by linguistic means should be considered as a “product” of an individual language. The closest to the linguistic meaning of causality is the philosophical understanding of the phenomenon, i.e. a necessary causal conditioning of phenomena, where one of them is the cause and the other – the effect. An equal means of expressing cause and effect relationships is a complex sentence in which the elements of cause and effect exist as interdependent and are presented in a developed form. The semantic category of cause is usually treated as the unity of the content (meaning) and formal means of expression. The essence of this category is the idea of the relationship between two phenomena, one of which is the cause and the other the effect and the presence of various means that communicate this idea in particular languages. These can be nominal groups with or without a preposition, adverbs, phraseological units, as well as conjunctions of cause and effect. The relevant literature usually points to two sets of linguistic means that are the most common exponents of causality. All cases involving the use of linguistic means belonging to forms expressing the meaning of cause (i.e. the “preposition + noun” nominal groups) form a separate system of meanings within the functional-semantic field of causality, which is traditionally called the category of causality (nominal causality).
ISBN: 978-83-226-3780-7
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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