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Tytuł: Organizacyjna kompetencja innowacyjności : determinanty psychospołeczne i ekonomiczne
Autor: Chrupała-Pniak, Małgorzata
Sulimowska-Formowicz, Monika
Słowa kluczowe: innovativeness competence; learning organization; knowledge management; proinnovative culture; competence management
Data wydania: 2010
Źródło: Chowanna, 2010, t. 2, s. 119-144
Abstrakt: The paper concerns innovativeness competence as a meta‑competence in innovative organization per analogia to the core competence concept. The authors made an attempt to construct a theoretical model of systemic organizational variables and individual factors building innovativeness competence. In explanations they use the concept of learning organization and underline the meaning of the processes of strategic management as well as knowledge management to create proinnovative behaviors.
ISSN: 0137-706X
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNS)

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