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Tytuł: O Polakach i Słoweńcach – w kręgu językowo-kulturowych stereotypów
Autor: Wacławek, Maria Magdalena
Wtorkowska, Maria
Słowa kluczowe: Poles and Slovenes; linguistic and cultural stereotypes
Data wydania: 2022
Wydawca: Ljubljana : Založba Univerze v Ljubljani
Abstrakt: The monograph is focused on the ethnolinguistic description of the perception of a Pole (Poles) and Slovene (Slovenes) which can be reconstructed on the basis of the data collected from the statements of the respondents from both Poland and Slovenia. The research aims at capturing the “common”, “everyday” understanding of the perceptions of the representatives of both nations. We observe the two national and ethnic communities which the research is interested in – Polish and Slovenian – through the prism of their languages. This is because language is the most important tool for transmitting culture, which influences the shaping of the perceived image of the world within a given culture; language serves not only for naming, but also for appropriate classification and interpretation of extra-linguistic reality. One of the functions of any natural language is to convey stereotypes common to a given group and its culture. The way our research tackles the focal issue places it within the scope of broadly understood ethnolinguistic studies related to the linguistic image of the world. This approach tries to reconstruct the stereotypical linguo-cultural image of a Pole (Poles) and Slovene (Slovenes), including appropriately valued obligatory and relevant features, as well as contextually dependent elements. The issues of national and ethnic stereotypes have been of interest to researchers of many disciplines for years. A great deal has been written about the stereotypical perception of a Pole, including in a linguistic context, similarly, a number of research papers have dealt with the stereotypical perception of various Slavs (and other nations). Moreover, there is no shortage of works that fit into the (stereo)typical approach to researching Slovenian people and their way of living. Yet there are almost no papers dealing with the mutual stereotypical images of Slovenes and Poles (especially with a linguistic inclination). For our research, the comparison of both models (that of Poles and that of Slovenes) – showing the mutual perception of each other in both nations – is particularly important. Therefore, this monograph attempts to at least partially fill this gap. It has been created on the basis of our previous experiences, partly included in the framework of this study, representing both their synthesis and in-depth analysis in a special way – the results from previous studies have been supplemented, recalculated and interpreted anew. The monograph is lexicocentric in its approach as it emphasizes the surplus of connotations and the sender’s intention that determines an adequate point of view. The book consists of seven chapters and a summary that concludes the work. Chapter I represents a fundamental introduction to the subject of the thesis: it presents considerations in the field of stereotype theory, including the linguistic approach, briefly discusses the research tools adopted, the main assumptions and purpose of the work, the material basis and methodology used to analyse linguistic data (with an emphasis on questionnaires as a research method). Next, it characterizes the method of research and shows the preliminary division of the material into semantic categories (i.e. definition, appearance, character, free time, attitude to money), which serves as the basis for the reconstruction of selected fragments of the stereotypical image of a Pole and a Slovene in chapters II–VI. The indicated chapters constitute an essential part of the work – in them, specific descriptor features and their semantic classes are distinguished in search of an answer to the following questions: What exactly do the respondents have in mind when describing a (male/female) Pole, a (male/female) Slovene, their appearance, character, behaviour and attitudes? And how do they conceptualize their way of spending free time and attitude to money. In the reconstruction all excerpts obtained from the material (including those only registered once) are considered valuable – and therefore included. Chapter VII represents a specific complement to the reconstructed concept of representatives of both nations, and at the same time its verification. It contains a brief approximation of the results of our other surveys – focusing on the conceptualization of a “true” Pole/Slovene. The modifier “true” places the analysis directly within the EUROJOS (European linguistic worldview) research methodology. The said operator includes both typical elements and representative patterns. The summary concluding the monograph collects the obtained results: it features a brief overview of the reconstruction of the collective, culturally and linguistically diverse image/images of a Pole and a Slovene, showing their respective specificities. Stereotypes are known for their tendency towards an intersubjective simplification, and as such cannot be treated as an objective source of knowledge about oneself and others. It is, however, important to be aware both of their existence and mechanisms of functioning. The respondents proved to be well aware of the dangers of easy labelling – considering it too simplistic. Schematic judgments, while culturally stabilized in some way, can be subject to change. One needs to know stereotypes, including ethnic stereotypes, and be aware of their emotional value in order to better understand oneself and others. By drawing on positive opinions and undermining negative mental structures, it becomes possible to create bridges rather than barriers.
DOI: 10.4312/9789617128574
ISBN: 978-961-7128-57-4
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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