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Title: Edukacja włączająca w uczelni : zwiększanie uczestnictwa osób niepełnosprawnych w edukacji na poziomie szkolnictwa wyższego
Authors: Smorczewska, Barbara
Keywords: osoby niepełnosprawne; niepełnosprawność a edukacja akademicka; integracja niepełnosprawnych studentów; dyskryminacja osób niepełnosprawnych
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: B. Kożusznik, J. Polak (red.), “Uczyć z pasją : wskazówki dla nauczycieli akademickich” (s. 351-364). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: Looking at disability from the perspective of social model, we understand that eliminating problems that disability invokes would involve a change in interaction between a person and society, in this case — academe. A desirable reorganization of mainstream education is supposed to pave the way for elimination of any manifestations of discrimination against the disabled, and more importantly, for the development of inclusive education. It calls for providing open education for disabled students as well as teachers. In practical terms, inclusive education entails various and integrated actions on a large scale. Apart from legal regulations and elimination of any architectural barriers, financial help, or development of technology aiding education, we are aware of the fact that the key factor in the process of inclusion is the contact between a disabled student and a tutor. In order to understand the process of teaching disabled students and developing a proper attitude towards them, one should refer to Lev Vygotsky’s concept of the Zone of Proximal Development. However, the subsequent advice on how to improve everyday contacts with disabled students may prove useful in every academic teacher’s career. It is worth bearing in mind that all methods and solutions that are aimed at the inclusion of the disabled in a full-time educational process, certainly contribute to a better quality of dealing with each student.
ISBN: 9788322622940
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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