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Title: Męskość, dojrzałość, ojcostwo w powieści drugiej połowy XIX wieku
Authors: Kralkowska-Gątkowska, Krystyna
Keywords: rodzina w literaturze; powieść polska
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: K. Kralkowska-Gątkowska, B.Nowacka (red.),"Rodzina w czasach przełomów : literackie diagnozy od XIX do XXI wieku" (S. 28-38). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
Abstract: The author looks at changing models of fatherhood from the Ancient times to the 19th century. She puts the special emphasis on the 19th-century prose and formulates a hypothesis that a positivist revolution, the consequence of which was a civilisational progress, science development and a determined direction towards modernity, required a radical modernization of the model of masculinity. The article bases on the classification of masculinity made by Kazimierz Pospiszyl (a King, Warrior, Sage and a Lover) whereby male features of characters appearing in novels by Orzeszkowa, Prus, Sienkiewicz, Zapolska, Rodziewiczówna were presented. The discussion concludes with considerations on the Young Poland breakthrough and a harbinger of the beginning of the Age of Women
ISBN: 9788322620328
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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