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Title: Przyimki lokatywno-inkluzyjne we współczesnym języku polskim : "w głębi", "w obrębie", "w środku", "we wnętrzu"
Authors: Nowak, Tomasz
Keywords: Przyimek polski; Semantyka lingwistyczna; Składnia języka polskiego
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The subject of the work oscillates around such expressions as (w głębi (in the background), w obrębie (in th e vicinity), w środku (in the middle), we wnętrzu (inside)) opening a syntactic position for genitive. Referring to th e re se a rch procedures proposed in th e lite ra tu re , the a ttm e p t was made to define th e grammatical sta tu s of th e connections in question, i.e. answer the question if they are seperate u n its of th e la n g u age or loose syntactic constructions. Because th e application of p a rticu la r algorithms leads to divergent conclusions, a syntactic and semantic description of u tte ran c e s containing the elements of w głębi (in the background), w obrębie (in the vicinity), w środku (in th e middle), we wnętrzu (inside) followed. The semantic analysis was conducted on the basis of theoretical foundations of the model of a formal, generative and semantic grammar. The semantic cha racteristic was presented with respect to th e assumptions of th e explicative and element semantics, as well as th e theory of lexical poles. On th e basis of the description methods used, the analysed expressions were included into the scope of th e lexicon. The model which corresponds with the stru c tu re of the phenomena described, describing them in the most effective way, is the model of a semantic syntax. The model of a multidegree generative syntax is, in th is respect, very promising too.
ISBN: 9788322617670
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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