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Title: Effect of endurance training and testosterone treatment on the fluorescence spectra of rat serum
Authors: Drzazga, Zofia
Schisler, Izabela
Michnik, Anna
Sadowska-Krępa, E.
Kłapcińska, Barbara
Gibińska, Joanna
Keywords: physical fitness; therapeutic use of testosterone
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Acta Physica Polonica. A, Vol. 129, no. 1 (2016), s. 15-19
Abstract: The paper presents an investigation into the effects of endurance training and testosterone enanthate (TE) treatment on rat blood serum by fluorescence spectroscopy. Blood serum was collected from adolescent male Wistar rats randomized between the untrained controls and trained animals, either steroid untreated or receiving I.M. injections (8 or 80 mg/kgBW) of testosterone enanthate. Fluorescence measurements were performed for undiluted or 20- and 500-fold diluted serum and analysed separately in the ultraviolet and visible light regions. In both regions the impact of the TE administration was more pronounced than the effect of endurance training. Moreover, in the visible region of spectrum, originated from a number of fluorescent metabolites, the influence of studied factors was more noticeable. The opposite effect of endurance training and administration of TE on serum emission was found for a lower (8 mg/kgBW) dose of testosterone, whereas a high-dose TE (80 mg/kgBW) treatment resulted in a return of fluorescence intensity.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.129.15
ISSN: 0587-4246
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNŚiT)

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