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Title: Influence of temperature on critical fields in ZnxSbyCrzSe4
Authors: Malicka, Ewa
Groń, Tadeusz
Duda, Henryk
Pacyna, A. W.
Krok-Kowalski, Józef
Keywords: półprzewodniki magnetyczne; granice faz magnetycznych; właściwości magnetyczne
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 116, nr 5 (2009), s. 964-966
Abstract: The electrical and complex ac dynamic magnetic susceptibility measurements were used to study an influence of temperature on critical fields in single-crystalline ZnxSbyCrzSe4 spinel system with y = 0:11, 0.16 and 0.20. The p-type conduction and a shift both of the Néel temperature TN to lower temperatures and a susceptibility peak at Tm in the paramagnetic region — to higher temperatures were established. Below TN the magnetic field dependence of susceptibility, Âac(H), shows two peaks. First peak at the critical field Hc1 slightly decreases with temperature and remains almost constant as Sb content increases. Second peak at the critical field Hc2 drops rapidly with temperature and remains almost unchanged as Sb content increases. At TN both critical fields disappear.
ISSN: 0587-4246
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNŚiT)

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