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Title: "Kiedy się dziwić nie przestanę..." : o strategii narracyjnej w "Poczcie do Nigdy-Nigdy" Lucjana Wolanowskiego
Authors: Bąk, Magdalena
Keywords: Lucjan Wolanowski
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: D. Rott, M. Kubik (red.), "Wokół reportażu podróżniczego. T. 3, Lucjan Wolanowski (1920-2006)" (S. 61-75). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The aim of the text is to examine the narrative strategy used by Lucjan Wolanowski in Poczta do Nigdy-Nigdy. The focal point being examined here is the category of "surprise", which (though clearly evident in Australian reports of other authors) is rarely used in book by Wolanowski. A special emphasis is put on "surprise" revealing the "Polish perspective" of the narrator-author, which was discussed on the basis of the example of his report from the competition concerning the Australian anthem.
ISBN: 9788322618028
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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