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Tytuł: Wielokulturowy oryginał w międzykulturowym przekładzie : "La Quebecoite" Regine Robin
Autor: Warmuzińska-Rogóż, Joanna
Słowa kluczowe: La Québécoite; Régine Robin; Quebec; literatura; przekłady
Data wydania: 2012
Wydawca: Lublin : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Źródło: R. Lewicki (red.), "Przekład - język - kultura. [T.] 3" (S. 155-165). Lublin : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Abstrakt: Among many interesting tendencies in the Quebecois literature the phenomenon of "migrant literature", so called the Neo-Quebec literature, is particularly worth mentioning, as thanks to it the Quebecois literature abandons the national frames and contributes to the hybridization of culture. Régine Robin, a writer bom in Paris and coming from the family of Polish Jews, is one of the representatives of the phenomenon, whose an interesting illustration is a novel La Québécoite (English title: The Wanderer), which describes three hypothetical scenarios of the immigrant's visit to Quebec. From the translational point of view, the Robin’s text is particularly worth analyzing from the perspective of two groups of problems. Firstly, the text abounds of the signs of strangeness included in the language of the public space, which means the lists of notions, placards, toponyms, the fragments of journals, TV programs, results of the hockey league, which would require from a translator a presumptive coherent strategy of translation or explication to the target recipient. Secondly, the novel abounds of the fragments referring to the individual memory of the narrator as well as to the collective memory, within three cultural circles: Quebecois, French and referring to the Jewish tradition. A translator would face a dilemma namely, whether all the elements should be explained to the target recipient. The most important feature of the Robin’s text is its multiculturalism, appearing in fact by the means of one language. An eventual translation would require a new approach of the process of translation, especially if a multicultural original would be transferred to a homogenous target culture.
ISBN: 9788377841877
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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