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Title: Praktyczne aspekty dochodzenia roszczeń z tytułu szkody łowieckiej
Authors: Gała, Paweł
Keywords: losses cause by hunters; claims for damages for losses caused by wild animals; claims for damages for losses caused by hunters
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2017, nr 2, s. 259-277
Abstract: The aim of this paper was to identify the main practical issues related to the process of claiming damages for losses cause by hunters or wild animals. It is concluded that the main problem is that claimants are usually the weaker party in the proceedings. Conse-quently the important role of the doctrine and the judicial decisions favouring the injured parties has been emphasised, as playing an essential role in the balancing off and levelling the interests of both parties and their obligations towards each other. The positive but also the negative aspects of the planned amendments to the existing game law have been dis-cusses in the light of the claims for damages for losses caused by wild animals and hunters.
ISSN: 1897-7626
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WPiA)

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