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Title: Skąd się wzięła kropka nienawiści, czyli o migracji funkcji znaków przestankowych
Authors: Skudrzyk, Aldona
Keywords: intellectualization of syntax; intonation punctuation; literacy; orality; emoticons
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: "Bogactwo Polszczyzny w Świetle Jej Historii. T. 8" (S. 121-131). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The invention of writing entailed enormous consequences not only for human language but also for human mind. This can be seen, for instance, in the birth and development of the culture of literate thinking. Both (preliterate and literate) cognitive styles cannot be perceived in static terms but rather as a process. It is therefore important to look at the influence of the modern technologies on the status of the literate cognitive style in language behaviours of the generation raised on new media. The research shows the process of reversing the vector of changes: from intellectualization of syntax and punctuation (evolution in the 19th century) to their previous emotionalisation and orality related to the “here and now” of speaking.
ISBN: 978-83-226-4042-5
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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